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La Parapharmacie
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Product Details

GastroMend-HP™ is a blend of botanical extracts and nutrient complexes with specific antimicrobial and mucosal healing properties.


Medicinal Ingredients: S-Methymethionine chloride 50 mg Licorice - DGL 375 mg Mastic Gum 250 mg Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 125 mg Zinc L-carnosine 18.75 mg

Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable stearate.

Suggested Use

Adults: Take 2 capsules twice a day before a meal, or as directed by your health care practitioner. Take a few hours before or after taking other medications. For use beyond 2 weeks, consult a health care practitioner.


Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have a liver disorder, diabetes mellitus, Crohn's disease, or if you are taking hypoclycaemic or hypolipidemic agents. Do not use if you are taking thiazide diuretics, cardiac gylcosides, corticosteroids, stimulant laxatives or other medications which may aggravate electrolyte imbalance. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have hypokalemia, high blood pressure, kidney or cardiovascular disorders, or allergies to Anaracardiaceae family, such as pistachio. Hypersensitivity has been known to occur, in which case discontinue use.

Does not contain gluten.


    Medical ingredients