La Parapharmacie
Osha Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve chest complaints and to help relieve symptoms of colds, flu, and respiratory infections.
Pancreatin Each capsule contains a 4× concentrate of pancreatic enzymes to support the pancreas with digestion and control inflammation.
Platanus Orientalis Malaria, vitiligo.
Probiotics Recovery Reestablishes the dominance of beneficial strains that can be decimated by frequent antibiotic use.
Quercetin Counters allergic reactions, suppresses inflammation, prevents diabetic complications and lowers the risk of heart disease.
Red Reishi Boosts immunity. Relieves pain associated with arthritis. Reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. Combat fatigue and strengthens the body
Red Reishi 400 mg For stress, insomnia and energy
Reishi Cordyceps Calms the nervous system, reduces insomnia. Lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Antimicrobial and anti-allergenic properties.
Reishi Extract Treats digestive problems, asthma, allergies, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia.
Reishi Premium For heart health, stress, allergies, hay fever, insomnia, liver function, blood pressure and blood sugar.
Rubus Idaeus Vaginitis, dysmenorrhea.
Shiitake Immune support and vitamin B