Referred by Ghazaly, Marlene, Naturopath ND.A
La Parapharmacie
AcaiRich® Super Strength Acai Berry Concentrate - 500 mg Protects against inflammation and cell damage that accelerate the decline related to age .
Acta-Resveratrol Acta-Resveratrol provides antioxidants and other factors for the maintenance of good health.
Active Green Tea Antioxidant that supports normal cell development and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Amla Helps reduce cholesterol levels and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Anti-inflammatory and antacid.
Antioxidant Network **Recommended Use:**  Antioxidant Network™ is a source of antioxidants for the maintenance of good health.
Arctic CLO (no flavor) Essential for proper function of the immune and nervous systems.
Arctic CLO (orange) Essential for proper function of the immune and nervous systems.
Arctic CLO (peach) Made from 100% wild Arctic cod (Skrei)—no other fish oils or synthetic additives are ever used. Promotes heart and brain health
Arctic CLO (strawberry) Essential for proper function of the immune and nervous systems.
Arctic CLO with vitamin D (lemon) Improves calcium absorption and promotes strong bone.
ArginCor Medical Food for Peripheral Artery Disease
Arginine Improves heart health nitric oxide precursor and protects the heart from high blood sugar levels. Helps in cellular energy production.