La Parapharmacie
Astragalus Combination #1 Indicated for chronic bronchitis, colds, influenza, buccal and dental abscesses, swollen lymph nodes and glands, and suppurative eczema
Astragalus Liquid Extract For frequent colds
Astragalus tincture ##### Benefits - Helps support energy levels - Helps maintain a healthy immune system - Excellent for those individuals who suffer from frequent colds ##### Features - Made from organic and wildcrafted herbs - Therapeutic dose of condition-specific herbs - Tinctures are rapidly absorbed and metabolized – absorption begins in the mouth, allowing the body to absorb up to 98% of the medicinal components - Large 100ml bottle size offers great value
Balsam Fir Gum Helps relieve affections of the respiratory tracts such as colds and bronchitis.
BC-11 Fever.
BC-5 Coryza, sinusite.
BC-6 Cough, cold, catarrh
Berberis Formula Indicated for candidiasis, yeast, urinary tract and bladder infections, intestinal flu, streptococcus and staphylococcus
BIO 88 Nosodes and homeopathy remedy
BIO 93 BIO 93 / Homeopathy and organotherapy by Tegor Laboratories.
BIO-BRONCO Help relieve respiratory disorders
BIO-GRIPPE (Cold/Flu) Help relieve the symptoms of colds and flu such as fever and cough