Referred by Grondin, Jean-philip, Massotherapeute
La Parapharmacie
5-HTP - 100 mg Healthy mood balance.
5HTP Supreme Helps to relieve symptoms of fybromyalgia.
Cortisol Manager Used in Ayurveda as a sleep aid
GABA-Pro - capsules Fast acting calming effect.
GABA-Pro - tablets Fast acting calming effect.
Melatonin - 5 mg A natural sleep aid.
Mito AMP Enhances cognitive function and memory.
Phosphatidylserine Supports cognitive function.
SAMe Relieves osteoarthritic pain and promotes healthy mood balance.
Sereni-Pro Adrenal support.
St.John’s wort Used in herbal medicine for its calming properties. Helps promote healthy mood balance and relieve sleep disturbances that accompany mood imbalances.