La Parapharmacie
Mastic Pistacia lentiscus
Medelaid (spray) Topical analgesic with a stronger anti-inflammatory action through the MSM
Meditation Olfactive properties, conductive to reflection and meditation
Moisturizing Milk Neutre For a harmonizing massage
Myrrh essential oil Commiphora myrrha
Myrrh wild Commiphora myrrha (C. molmol)
Myrtle - Green Myrtus communis cineoliferum
Myrtle - Lemon Scented Backhousia citriodora
Myrtle - Red Myrtus communis myrtenylacetatiferum
Myrtle essential oil Myrtus communis
Natural base oil for massage A rich, non greasy formula making this a superb all-round massage oil