La Parapharmacie
Red Clover Fine flavour which gives vegetable dishes a unique taste
Red Drainage Syphon Filter for bioSnacky® Original sprouter
Red Reishi Boosts immunity. Relieves pain associated with arthritis. Reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. Combat fatigue and strengthens the body
Sacha Inchi Seeds A source of healthy Omega-3 polyunsaturated fat, Fiber and Iron.
Saffron A high quality, Certified Organic Saffron from Kashmir, India.
Santasapina lozenges A.Vogel Santasapina bonbons are tasty and soothe your throat. Refresh your breath with these unique Spruce lozenges!
Saw Palmetto Powder A rejuvenating nutritive berry.
Seed tray for bioSnacky® Original sprouter 1 seed tray for the 3-Tier Original Biosnacky® Sprouter.
Senna Tea Relieves occasional constipation
SHAPESmart Green Coffe bee Bean Extract.
Shatavari Powder A rejuvenating herbal tonic for female health and well being
Shredded Coconut A source of Iron and Fiber.