La Parapharmacie
Enerex SONA Multi Pre & Post Natal SONA Pre & Post Natal is an advanced, scientifically balanced formula providing powerful anti-oxidant support.
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 1000 mg Helps maintain a healthy weight. Supports cardiovascular health and brain and fight microbial infections.
Fennel - whole seeds or powder Stimulates and regulates many digestive functions thanks to its aperitif properties
Fermented Black Seed Booster Powder Easily digestible ancient superfood
Fermented Kombucha (Certified Organic) A fermented black tea that has historically been called the "elixer of life" for its cleansing, detoxifying, and revitalising properties.
Fitness Mix with wheat seeds Subtle, mildly piquant taste.
Five Mushroom Blend Strengthens the immune system. Lowers blood pressure. Contributes to liver recovery.
Floralax II A Gentle and Effective Laxative ! Used as a bulk forming laxative Helps lower bad (LDL) cholesterol
Foundation Supports a healthy diet.
Frankincense Resin A natural chewing gum.
Full Spectrum Amla Berry Powder For detoxification & rejuvenation