La Parapharmacie
Natrium Phosphoricum 6X For the temporary relief of symptoms associated with stomach acidity, heartburn and indigestion from fatty foods.
Natrium Sulfuricum 6X Helps promote and maintain healthy liver, kidney and digestive functions.
Neural Plus Balance mood of depression.
Nux Vomica Similiaplex Homeopathic remedy.
Oak Exhaustion, overwork, workaholic, fatigued, over-achiever
Olive Lack of energy, fatigue, convalescence
OmegEssential Forté Liquid (orange) OmegEssential® FORTÉ Maximum Strength Fish Oil is designed to provide a therapeutic dosage intended to address specific health challenges.
Ormona (Opromed) Stimulates the production of hormones in the active woman or after menopause.
Osteoplex Relieves bones pains
Osteorose Prevents the progression of osteoporosis in women or in men.
Osteosis Homeopathic remedy - Bone health
Ou-CH Organotherapy & homeopathic preparation