La Parapharmacie
Unda #9 UNDA Numbered Compounds are unique remedies synergistically formulated with plant constituents that target and carry potentized metals to specific organs where enzymatic and metabolic functions are carried out on a cellular level helping to facilitate the drainage of toxins.
Urinary tract Helps maintain a healthy urinary tract. Helps facilitate the urinary excretion of water.
Urinex Relives kidney and bladder troubles
V-C15 V-C15
V-C15 Forte V-C15 Forte
V-C15 Forte vials V-C15 Forte vials
V-C15F Forte vials V-C15F Forte vials
V'rus For general support during challenges from a viral nature.
Vaccin-Aide Reduces vaccination harmful effects
Valerian Homeopatic medicine
Veinaplex Treats hemorrhoids and spider veins
Veinox For venous and capillary fragility, rosacea, mild hypertension, cyanosis of the extremities.