Referred by Fleming, Adam, HHP
La Parapharmacie
5 HTP 100 MG Involved in the regulation of endocrine and brain activity responsible for emotion, appetite and sleep/wake cycles. 
5-HTP - 100 mg Supports emotional well -being, improves sleep quality, eases pain of fibromyalgia, prevent migraines and blunt appetite.
5-HTP - 50 mg Supports emotional well -being, improves sleep quality, eases pain of fibromyalgia, prevent migraines and blunt appetite.
Acid Soothe Digestive enzymes.
AIL-1 Help with inflammatory & pain symptoms.
Amino NAC Amino NAC from Genestra is a source of N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, which offers antioxidant support, converting NAC into glutathione which may help fight off potentially harmful free radicals from damaging cells.
Amla Helps reduce cholesterol levels and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Anti-inflammatory and antacid.
Arginine Improves heart health nitric oxide precursor and protects the heart from high blood sugar levels. Helps in cellular energy production.
BenaGene Thermally stabilized oxaloacetate and provides powerful antioxidants
Benfotiamine Blocks the formation of harmful sugar products and supports nerve function in diabeticsHelps prevent retinal damage.
BIO-VERTIGO Help relieve vertigo and motion sickness.
BIO-WORMS Vermifuge helping the body eliminate worm infestations of the bowel.