La Parapharmacie
Milky Oat Seed Used in Traditional Herbal Medicine as a nervine tonic and mild sedative to help relieve nervousness.
Millepertuis Relief of restlessness, agitation
Mimulus <span>Keyword: Fear, blushing, stammering, shyness, timid, sensitive, lack of courage<br />Human indication:  Fear of known things.  Such as fear of being alone, fear of spiders, fear of flying or fear of the dark.  Shyness is also a known fear.<br />Animal/pet indication:  For fears: afraid of lightening, visits to the vet. May shake or shiver when confronted. Shy and timid animals.</span>
Mind Retreat Fosters a sense of calm, relaxed alertness, and mental clarity.
Miviton +Plus To energize the system and boost up the energy.
Motherwort Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a sedative for the relief of nervousness and restlessness and as a heart tonic.
Multi B High potency B vitamin formula to help immune and nervous system functions during periods of prolonged stress
Mustard For the moody, deeply sad person.
Myco10 Powder Myco10 is a source of antioxidants and immunomodulating polysaccharides.
MycoBotanicals - Stress Decompress Promotes natural calm and tranquility
Mycotaki A mushroom blend to help support immune function.
MyoCalm Plus To support healthy muscle relaxation and address occasional sleeplessness.