Referred by Djillali, Maëva, Coach Santé
La Parapharmacie
Actifungi Antifungal cream
BC-13 Leucorrhea.
BIO 82 Tegor complex, nosodes and homeopathy
BIO 87 Homeopathic specialty designed by Tegor Laboratories.
Candicin Indicated for stomach problems, including ulcers, fungal and parasitic infections, fatigue and others
Candidaide Help to prevent symptom associated with candida and fungal infections.
Cranberry pure extract Cranberry pure aqueous extract. Made from fresh cranberries.
Cystoforce Bladder problems and urinary tract irritations are debilitating. A.Vogel Cystoforce relieves these ailments thanks to its astringent and diuretic properties.
Femina Flora - 10 Billion probiotics Femina Flora kills both fungal (yeast) and bacterial (vaginitis) infections.
Fungisode For systemic candidiasis, parasitic and fungal infections, vaginitis, toe and fingernail fungi, thrush and athlete’s foot
FUNGUS+ Helps relieve mild cases of fungal infections.
Gynea Intimate Hygiene Gel A cleansing soap-free formula, gentle and respectful of mucous membrane sensitivity for daily intimate hygiene of women.