Referred by rioux, francine, Naturopathe - homéopathe
La Parapharmacie
5-MTHF Provides an excellent source of folate for pregnant women and supports healthy heart and nerve function.
Active B Complex A complex of B vitamins in the body's most preferred active forms to support energy production and metabolic processes.
Active B6 Pyridoxal Treatment of numerous symptoms associated with the inability to convert B6 to pyridoxal 5-phosphate.
Active Chewable B12 Vitamin B12 in the body’s most preferred active forms, helping to provide support to energy production and metabolic processes. 
Active Chewable B12 with L-Methylfolate Vitamin B12 in the body’s most preferred active forms, helping to provide support to energy production and metabolic processes.
Adenosyl/Hydroxy B12 Offers vitamin B12 blend for energy and immune support
Adenosyl/Hydroxy B12 liquid Offers vitamin B12 blend for energy and immune support in liquid form
Advanced B Complex Prevents age-related collagen degeneration. Supports the function of the brain and nervous system.
Advanced B Complex Ultra Provides health benefits not seen with standard B complex formulas
B 100 Complex Helps normal growth and development, assists the body in metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins and fats
B 50 Complex High Potency Helps normal growth and development. Assists the body in metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins and fats
B Calm with Rhodiola Full-spectrum B vitamin formula plus rhodiola to support overall health, particularly in people under physical or mental stress.