La Parapharmacie
Safflower CLA Assists in fat loss and promotes development of lean muscle.
SHAPESmart Green Coffe bee Bean Extract.
Slim-Pro Formula **Recommended Use:** Slim-Pro Formula™ helps support healthy blood sugar metabolism and aids in weight management when used along with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.
Slim-Tech Program - 1 kit Reduces body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Inhibits the conversion of sugars into fat. Decreases appetite and increase energy levels.
SMILE 5-HTP Improves mood, sleep and reduces migraines.
Snack Bar Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Mouthwatering, plant-based Vega Snack Bar
Snack Bar Coconut Cashew Mouthwatering, plant-based Vega Snack Bar
Snack Bar Cranberry Almonds Mouthwatering, plant-based Vega Snack Bar
Snack Bar Dark Chocolate Cashews and Cherry Mouthwatering, plant-based Vega Snack Bar