La Parapharmacie
Shiitake 500mg Increases the activity of lymphocytes
St-John’s Wort Formula - - Action powerful antiviral and antibacterial.  - For chronic fatigue syndrome, herpes, hepatitis, and even HIV.  - Offer antidepressant properties.  - Lowers levels of stress both emotional and physical.  - Calm the mind and strengthen the immune system.
Strontium (citrate) Strontium is one of many trace minerals essential for bone health.
Sweet Annie Used in phytotherapy as a bitter tonic and to improve digestion.
Thymus Gland Immunity - Thymus Gland (builds T-cells). Helps to maintain immune function.
TIM Helps to maintain eyesight, skin, membranes and immune function
UltraNutrient UltraNutrient® combines Nutrient 950® with advanced antioxidants and standardized phytonutrient extracts.
Vitamin D3 Increases calcium absorption. Promotes normal development of bones and teeth. Supports the immune system.
Vitamin D3 Liquid (Adult) Essential for proper bone growth and maintenance. Supports the immune system.
Vitamin D3 Liquid (Child) Essential for proper bone growth and maintenance. Supports the immune system.
Wildcrafted Boswellia11 Fast acting inflammation relief.