La Parapharmacie
Hazelnut butter A butter rich in Vitamin E, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, B Vitamins, Fiber and a host of antioxidants.
Hemp Hearts A source of minerals, Omega 3 and 6, essential amino acids.
Herbamare® Original Seasoning salt Herbamare Original replaces dreary conventional table salt
Herbamare® Sodium-free An original and unique Swiss recipe of herbal seasoning suitable for sodium restricted diets.
Herbamare® Zesty Its zesty taste will pep up your mix grills, Mexican, Italian and other meals
Hibiscus Tea Cut A delicious floral flavour to make infusions.
Holy Basil - Leaf cut (tube) Adaptogenic plant for stress or anxiety. It allows support in the event of physical or mental exhaustion.
Holy Basil Tulsi Tea Anti-Stress Herbal Support
HoneyPro Raw Honey with MacaPro Raw gelatinized Powder 6:1 Raw Honey & Raw Gelatinized Maca X-6 Powder 6:1
Ice Pressed Raw Olive Oil 100% Certified Organic Ice Pressed Greek Olive Oil
Kapikacchu Powder A herbal support traditionally associated with sexual vigor and vitality.
Lemongrass Tea A herbal tea with a delicious citrus taste.