La Parapharmacie
Bioactive Quercetin EMIQ Helps reduce symptoms of allergies.
Bioactive Quercetin EMIQ Helps reduce symptoms of allergies.
Biotin 300 mcg Contributes to the maintenance of health.
Black Walnut Combination #1 Indicated for parasitic and bacterial infections, for sore throats, gingivitis, bleeding gums, as an oral antiseptic and antimicrobial
Black Walnut Hulls Traditionally used to treat intestinal parasites, fungal skin conditions like athlete’s foot, and systemic yeast infections.
Body Rejuvenation Program Step 1 - kit A unique blend of proven specialty preparations chosen for their cleansing-revitalizing qualities. Start the cleansing with step 1.
Borage Oil Organic A great source of GLA (Gamma linoleic acid). New Roots Herbal Borage Oil, certified organic and non-G.M.O.
CandiGone (15 day cleansing) Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Candida may be zapping your energy and vitality. If so, CandiGONE is the first step to regaining control of your health. CandiGONE is a 15 day antifungal cleansing kit that will help to eliminate yeast overgrowth throughout your body.
Chanca Piedra Dilates urinary tract vessels. Helps pass gallstones and kidney stones and protects the liver from toxins. Anti-viral.
Chromium & Vanadium 125 mcg Support for healthy glucose metabolism.
Chromium GTF Chelate 500 mcg Provides support for healthy glucose metabolism.
Chromium Picolinate Bioavailable Source of Chromium.