La Parapharmacie
L-Tyrosine 500 mg A precursor of neurotransmitters important in the brain. It also supports sex drive, withdrawal and protects against ultraviolet light.
Lemon Balm help sleep and relieve digestive disorders / dyspepsia
Liquid B complex For insomnia, stress, adrenal insufficiency, chronic fatigue, infections, proper endocrine, immune and nervous system functions.
Liquid chlorophyl Indicated for acne, boils, skin ulcerations, burns, eczema, psoriasis, heavy metal and environmental toxicity and oral abscesses
Liquid iodine Assists with proper function of the thyroid gland.
Liver Support Antioxidant that prevents and addresses liver disorders. Stimulates liver regeneration and detoxification.
Lymph 1 Homeopathic remedy - Encourage healthy lymphatic function and cleansing
Magnesium 250 mg Helps to maintain proper muscle function.<br />Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Magnesium Bisglycinate Plus 150 Mg Delivers magnesium as an amino acid chelate to maximize intestinal absorption and reduce upset stomach.
Magnesium Malate A factor in the maintenance of good health and helps maintain proper muscle function.
Magnesium Multi-Mineral Magnesium Multi Mineral is a multi-mineral supplement that helps with tissue formation, bone development, maintaining muscle function (including the heart muscle), connective tissue repair, and maintaining healthy hair, skin and nails.
Marshmallow Tincture Organic Used traditionally as a demulcent for the respiratory, urinary and digestive mucous membranes.