La Parapharmacie
PGX Daily - Ultra Matrix Promotes healthy blood sugar levels.
PGX - Double chocolate Weight loss meal replacement.
PGX - French Vanilla Weight loss meal replacement.
PGX - Very Strawberry Weight loss meal replacement.
PGX Daily Promotes healthy weight loss and helps lower the glycemic index of meals.
PGX Daily Singles Useful for weight loss only as part of a reduced in energy plan.
R-Lipoic Acid High Dose Powerful antioxidant that protects brain and nerve cells from free radicals.
Raw Organic Plant-Based - French Vanilla Supports healthy weight management
Raw Organic Plant-Based Protein - Berrylicious Supports healthy weight management.
Raw Organic Plant-Based Protein - Decadent Chocolate Supports healthy weight management.
Raw Organic Plant-Based Protein - Unflavoured Supports healthy weight management.
Relora For stress related weight control.